Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Heavyrain Aftermath

Lastnight's rain was crazy. I've never heard it come down so hard continuously that long. But the aftermath was worse. Driving to work this morning, I saw the underpass at the Kiulap roundabout flooded, the roads filled with mud and a landslide covering over half of a road. My 30-40 minutes drive to work turned to over an hour. Let's hope that the coming days won't be as bad.

More photos over at shutterspeech here.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Litters In A Basket

We've got a few new kittens added to our already huge amount of cats at home. Well, a "few" wouldn't really be a good word...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year In Disneyland!

From Hong Kong Disneyland

Happy New Year!!

See a preview of our New Year celebration in Disneyland in the album below!

Hong Kong Disneyland

Monday, December 29, 2008

Where A Mouse Roams Free

I'm in Disneyland!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Pak Ali Bukan Tamak

Pada satu hari, Pak Ali pergi ke hutan untuk mencari kayu api. Pabila lalu kat kawasan tasik, Pak Ali tergelincir dan kapak buruknye terjatuh dalam tasik tu. Maka datanglah Pari Pari Tasik kepada Pak Ali.

Pari Pari: Kenapa dengan kau?
Pak Ali: Kapak aku terjatuh ke dalam tasik.

Pari Pari pun menyelam dan kembali bersama kapak perak.

Pari Pari: Inikah kapak kamu?
Pak Ali: Tidak

.Pari Pari pun menyelam dan kembali bersama kapak emas.

Pari Pari: Inikah kapak kamu?
Pak Ali: Tidak, kapak aku buruk sahaja.

Pari pari pun menyelam dan kembali bersama kapak buruk.

Pari Pari: Inikah kapak kamu?
Pak Ali: Ya, itulah kapak buruk aku.

Pari Pari Tasik suka sikap Pak Ali yang jujur itu lalu memberikan ketiga-tiga kapak itu kepadanya.

Pada hari lain pulak. Pak Ali berjalan di sekitar tasik yang sama bersama isterinya. Kali ni isterinye plak yang jatuh ke dalam tasik. Pak Ali susahhati. Maka datanglah Pari Pari Tasik kepada Pak Ali.

Pari Pari: Kenapa kau bersedih?
Pak Ali: Isteriku jatuh ke dalam tasik.

Pari Pari pun menyelam dan kembali bersama Angelina Jolie.

Pari Pari: Inikah isteri kau?
Sambil menangis Pak Ali menjawab... "ya, itulah isteriku..."

Pari Pari pun marah, "Sungguh ku tak sangka, kau yang jujur satu masa dulutelah menjadi tamak".

Sambil menahan pilu Pak Ali menjawab, "Aku bukan tamak, kalau aku kata'tidak' pada Angelina Jolie... kau akan bawakan pula Pamela Lee...kalau aku katakan 'tidak' juga, barulah kau bawakan isteriku..bila aku kata'ya', kau akan berikan mereka bertiga padaku... Aku yang miskin ni tak mampu tanggung mereka semua".

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What Difference Stages of Social Life Make

Just sitting at Taurean right now.
Bored to hell. Got out of work early not realising that most people are at work or are going back to work at this time of the day. Damn. Just when I'm starting to lepak again.

I realise that I need to rethink my lepak time but the problem is, our free time are different now that most of us are working. Those under the government work at different times than those in the private sector, which means that their free times are different. Then, there's those within the sector itself. Different places of work have different time slots. When one person is free doesn't mean that the other is. It might be easy to find time for your friends before life at work but once you get different schedules from your friends, it's not that easy to find the time.

Then there's the differences between each social life. A single person might be able to find the free time to meet his or her friend at anytime they want but someone with a girlfriend might be in a fixed schedule, trying to divide their time between their friends and their special someone. If you are married, it's a whole different story. You might be able to find the time for your friends but it is still limited as your time isn't just divided among your friends and your husband or wife, it is also divided for both sides of the family as well as your responsibility as a husband or a wife. Then there's someone with kids. This has got to be the hardest time to divide. The responsibility and commitment is overwhelming. Trying to find time for others might be harder than ever before. Dividing it between your friends, you family, your work and your interest is one hell of a task.

So, what is the solution? What are your solutions?

This is why, I guess, gathering occasions as they grow older so you can meet those people you used to meet all the time in the past just to make up lost times.

So, who's up to making one?

Photo: Ripin & Zool at Charcoal. One morning awhile back when we had time to hang out the whole day.

The Work Zone

It's been a freaking long day.
I had a full morning, mostly dealing with our Newsletter since John left and I was in charge of distributing them (which I'm not even sure how it works yet). And then I had to rush my break because I was out late.

At lunch, we had a relaxing time with the department watching this Australian show but followed by intense work on entering and updating records as well as preparing my laptops for tomorrow. By the time i was done with everything, it was 4pm.

I spent over an hour on the road thanks to the heavy traffic and by the time I got home, it was 5. I took a short rest then I had to get ready for our BADS meeting. Off for a quick dinner, went to the BADS meeting, got home, dealt with some extra work that I didn't get to finish in the afternoon and now here I am, sharing what seems like my daily life since... I don't know.

Seriously, why do I put myself to work so much?

During my holiday, at the back of my head was work, work, work before anything started. Then enter Paris, I completely forgot about back home - and I automatically changed to this free guy who has no commitments back home.

Then I got back home, I automatically changed back to where I left off. It's like, Brunei is all about work for me.

Am I making any sense?
Nevermind, it's midnight and if I don't sleep now, I'll only have less then 5 hours of sleep. I should go before I start saying things which you guys probably won't want to know... or stuff I don't want any of you to know.


Photo: Paris, June 2008 Holiday. If only I could go back to those streets and relax...