Thursday, December 13, 2007

BBQ Party Dec 07

The photos took some time to be uploaded. I was busy with watching DVDs and finishing this game I meant to finish last week. But anyway, finally, the BBQ party of December 2007 photos are finally up.

How was the party? This was actually the first BBQ that was left to just JuLeZz and me both to get together because my family (besides my one brother) were away overseas. The past ones, especially the ones before I met JuLeZz, were heavily helped by my parents and aunts. So there were a lot of changes this time around.

Besides the preparation, it also started to rain to begin with, so we ended up setting everything inside the house as opposed to the previous ones where we always had them outside. So a lot of last minute planning had to be involved last minute. But thank God this time we thought of preparing the food early, as in having the BBQ food ready before the guests arrived. Well, most of them were - so people ate earlier this time. Which was a good thing for me since I don't have to be outside a lot and actually get to sit and mingle with everyone and just relax. One thing I always ended up with is a tiring body at the end of the party.

Then there were the crowds. A lot of the people I invited couldn't make it due to the rain and a lot of the usual crowd weren't there either. But there were a lot of new faces which was kinda fun too. I could only imagine what it would be like to have all the 70+ people who knew about the BBQ be there (note, we prepared food for 70 - so we ended up with leftovers, lots of leftovers).

Entertainment wise, we set up a lot of PS3s playing Guitar Hero III and Pro Evolution Soccer as well as a corner for Wii. We prepared the usual poker set and card decks. Missing is the xbox but in its place, we turned the living room into a karaoke room - which I kinda missed most of the time since I was outside and around the Guitar Hero area.

All in all, it wasn't such a bad party. Especially since it was prepared by only the both of us. It was fun as always but I knew it could've been better if it wasn't for the initial rain (it only rained for a moment then it didn't rain all night!). Plus, having the party inside didn't really feel like there were a lot of people - like it didn't feel like a huge party as the previous ones - plus most people left early when we used to stay there till late. Then again, some people did stay behind until 5am. JuLeZz and me? We stayed up till around 2.30 playing Guitar Hero, the most popular area of the night. And while JuLeZz and I were ready for bed, we could still hear those we left with my brother outside playing Guitar Hero. Y'know, not a lot of people know this but my BBQs used to be a gaming gathering and once it was called by a really long name, the Xbox Lan BBQ Party or BBQ Halo LAN Party.

Also, we were supposed to have a surprise birthday party too but the birthday girl couldn't make it. So happy belated birthday to Khairunnisa Halim! Too bad you couldn't make it. It would've added to the fun night.

Anyway, I'd like to say thanks to a number of people. My pretty wife especially for the food - we stayed up really late the night before just trying out stuff. Her two siblings and the maid for assisting her. Zeeko for coming early to help out with some of the preparations (lifting this and that). Azz and Ihsan for helping with most of the barbequing. Zool and Ripin for helping out with some of the BBQ as well. Also, thank you Ripin for taking some photos. My mom and brother for the sponsor (I feel like I just won an award). Those guys who brought food to the party, Far for the dessert, Zool for the hell of a lot of sausages, James who left Azz with money for sausages since he couldn't make it and Azz for the bottles of coke. I hope I didn't miss anyone. I didn't really took charge of the food people brought in. So if I didn't mention you, I apologise. And finally, I would like to say a huge thanks to our guests for coming, even when it rained so heavily. Hope you had fun!

Until the next BBQ guys!

Photos can be found at the following:
Guitar Hero III Stars
The Rest

PS: Crap! I didn't get to take a group photo with anyone at all!!

Posted on Shutter Speech, BruGamers, Sin Adam, Mr Syaf's Multiply and

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

When The Rain Comes

It's been really raining heavily the past few nights. The other night, on our way to Kiulap, a lighting struck a lamppost a few meters in front of us. Everything was so bright for a moment. Sparks jumped everywhere around it and the lamppost went dead. That was my first ever experience with lightning striking live in front of my eyes.

As we got to Kiulap, the roads were flooded. Some cars were stuck in the middle of it. Thank God for the many entrances in to Kiulap though, or else we wouldn't have been able to catch the movie we went to. Speaking of movies, you should check my post here at Tanah Air Ku about my experience that night.

One thing that made me think though, with all the rainy nights, I realised that a lot of people cancel their plans for the night due to rainy weathers. Some of our friends couldn't make it to our BBQ the other night because of the rain. The other night, most of my friends had to cancel our outing because of the rain. That made me think, how come I don't do that? JuLeZz and I talked about this and we realise that we still go on with our plans even if it rained. Which one are you?

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Riding The Sky

JUST PHOTO POSTING today, again. Fun day in the morning at the camp. Lots of activities including Waterballoon Volleyball (or Volley Waterballoon?), absailing and flying fox among others. I kept calling flying fox Firefox though. Sky was a bit moody. Cloudy, clear, dark, cloudy, clear etc. But the sun was great for photos!

PS: Photo above is a silhouette shot of someone on a flying fox. Love the sky.

Go to Shutter Speech to see more or view the rest of this post here.

[Via Shutter Speech]

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Crossing Turtle

Dear friend,

Today I saw a turtle crossing the highway. A car almost hit it but the driver slowed down in time for the slow turtle. The turtle then stopped in the middle of the road. It just sat there in its shell. I passed by it slowly and when I left it was still there. I wonder what happened to it? It was so cute.

Your friend

PS: Which one is a turtle and which is a tortoise? Are Ninja Turtles really turtles?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Why I Ache Everywhere

My arms, my hands, my fingers hurt after playing Guitar Hero III for hours. I just can't put the damn stupid button pressing wireless guitar that I've put stickers on to make it look good down. Heck, even my back and neck hurt cause I was headbanging to Slipknot and Tenacious D... and many others. How do I rest when I can't even stop thinking about it? And I just bought Slash from the store! Oh my, oh my...

Get your copies of Guitar Hero III on your Playstation 2, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 now.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Rocking on Guitar Hero III

Guitar Hero, the game that has proven so popular even until its third installment. These music based games are fun, mimicking musical instruments by tapping buttons according to the beat. It's fun and can test your reaction time pretty well. Usually, I would play such games if they have a good music library. But I never played Guitar Hero before. Not the first nor the second. Why? Because of the fact that you can't get the guitar here in Brunei when it was out for the PS2 without ordering. So it was quite a turn off.

Now, it's a different story. More and more original games are coming into the country. And more and more games are making their way online. Guitar Hero III promises extra downloadable content via PSN and Xbox live and even now, new tracks are already available, such as Foo Fighters, for download. That, and the inclusion of a wireless guitar, made me put GHIII on the top of my most wanted list of games this November. And I finally got my wish.

Today, with my brother, we bought, not one, but two GHIIIs for our PS3s. And playing multiplyer rocks! Heck, my fingers are still aching for the whole afternoon of playing GHIII.

One thing I hate about the guitar is the use of AAA batteries. Yes, no recharging via USB. Which means, you got to stock up on batteries, just like the Wiimote. Annoying.

But all in all, GHIII is fun! And with the great music library, online play, promise of continuous DLC, this is the Guitar Hero to own! Let's rock baby!

View album here.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Deepest Junction of All

HERE's SOMETHING REALLY AMAZING. Went to Kg... okay, I can't quite remember the name of the place. I think it was Kapok? Or Katok? It's somewhere around Mata-Mata, Gadong. Correct me please.

Anyway, had to drop off someone with JuLeZz after an afternoon spent selecting costumes for JuLeZz's upcoming play, MacBeth (to which you can view the album here). And on the way, we came upon junctions after junctions after smaller junctions that the simpang number became extremely long that the dashes (or hashes) turned to dots! Ah~ what a systematic way to lead the blind.

I wonder how the address would look like on paper? Imagine having to fill that in in forms! Heck, imagine trying to remember that! I wish those people living there good luck.

[Via Shutter Speech]

When Mr Syaf is Tagged

OKAY, THIS IS SOMETHING I DON'T DO in my blogs but what the heck? Let's just have some fun with it!


Tagged by zadm.

Three things about yourself:
Deeply in love with my wife, my food and my games

What's in your playlist:
Currently 3 Days Grace, MCR, Sinatra and Elvis

Your favourite music:
Varies according to mood

Favourite food:
Everything but onion

Define love:
My Mrs Exclusive

3 of your biggest fears:
I fear NOTHING!! ... 'cept maybe losing JuLeZz, extinction of chicken and downfall of Sony

Who do you love?:
Wasn't there a question like this above?

3 of the things you hate:
Such a strong word hate... but I guess, onion is one of them. The smell of onions. Lack of food. Hunger. Lagging internet connection when surfing and playing games on the PS3. Movie reviews! They're such spoilers. People who do not switch off their phones, talk and bring kids and babies to the cinemas! Idiotic drivers! People who complains too much but do nothing about them! People with obscure posts in their blogs which don't make sense at all like as if they are just talking randomly or just want to attract attention. The lack of peace in this world! War! The loss of humanity in everyone's heart and mind in this ever torn our world that we forcefully live in today which we take for granted! Oh... the torture... why was I tagged?!?

Do you blog?:
What a stupid question.

Tag 5 people:
Why tag five when I can tag you, you, you and you... AAAAND YOU!! So if you are reading this, YOU ARE OFFICIALLY TAGGED BY ME!!! Especially my Mrs Exclusive! =)


Friday, November 9, 2007

Unexpected Beauty

TOOK THESE A WHILE BACK, during Ramadhan.

Updated Shutter Speech, finally. Haven't touched the site for awhile.

See full post here.

[Via Shutter Speech]

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Frantic Narration

Have you ever narrated what is currently happening in front of you in your head? Or even compose something while you are driving, eating, walking or listening to someone during lectures or in the middle of doing work? I think, on the actuality that you are a blogger to begin with, we tend to narrate our life without realising it (or in this case, with) because we are addicted to blogging.

This afternoon, during the friday sermon, is a good example of what I went through. While listening to the sermon, I started to say the following in my head:

"Sitting there, listening to the sermon, I was wondering what the heck is going on. I couldn't understand much the topic of the sermon but it has something to do with public service..." blah blah blah.

A lot of the times, I just wish I can blog right there and then because once you take too long to write about it, the mood just goes away or you just forgot what you wanted to say whe it all happened. And that's when it kills you and you always end up writing "I want to blog about something but I don't know what..." or "I've got a lot ot say but I'm kind of tired/my muse is gone..." or "Something happened today, but I'll tell you about that tomorrow" etc.

Well, maybe it's just me. I don't know about you guys. Heck, I have a lot of blogs. Sin Adam, Shutter Speech, BruGamers, Tanah Air Ku - no wonder my brain is full of frantic narration.

FW: Why male models are NOT ok with car ads!

Thought I'd share this forward email sent by a friend. =)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Parties For The Kids

It's always fun when a kid's birthday is welcomed with a huge celebration - games here, parties there - heck, a huge fireworks display was even set up since it's still Hari Raya. I remember celebrating my birthdays like that (without the fireworks) years ago - ofcourse, I was still young. At my age now, to have such things would just sound look so ... childish. I'd rather have a huge BBQ party while giving people choices on what they could do such us a poker set, video games on a network, open air hang out outside in the compound and just chatting away, catching up with things. God, I miss my BBQs. I want it again!

Anyway, to the young ladies who just turned 5 and 2 - Happy Birthday. Let your parties grow old with you and not the other way around. Apakan!

See album here.

First Post!


This will be where The Exclusives, JuLeZz and I (Syaf), will be cross posting our blogs via Multiply. Check out our full pages here (for mine) and here (for Mrs Exclusives).

See ya!