Sunday, November 11, 2007

When Mr Syaf is Tagged

OKAY, THIS IS SOMETHING I DON'T DO in my blogs but what the heck? Let's just have some fun with it!


Tagged by zadm.

Three things about yourself:
Deeply in love with my wife, my food and my games

What's in your playlist:
Currently 3 Days Grace, MCR, Sinatra and Elvis

Your favourite music:
Varies according to mood

Favourite food:
Everything but onion

Define love:
My Mrs Exclusive

3 of your biggest fears:
I fear NOTHING!! ... 'cept maybe losing JuLeZz, extinction of chicken and downfall of Sony

Who do you love?:
Wasn't there a question like this above?

3 of the things you hate:
Such a strong word hate... but I guess, onion is one of them. The smell of onions. Lack of food. Hunger. Lagging internet connection when surfing and playing games on the PS3. Movie reviews! They're such spoilers. People who do not switch off their phones, talk and bring kids and babies to the cinemas! Idiotic drivers! People who complains too much but do nothing about them! People with obscure posts in their blogs which don't make sense at all like as if they are just talking randomly or just want to attract attention. The lack of peace in this world! War! The loss of humanity in everyone's heart and mind in this ever torn our world that we forcefully live in today which we take for granted! Oh... the torture... why was I tagged?!?

Do you blog?:
What a stupid question.

Tag 5 people:
Why tag five when I can tag you, you, you and you... AAAAND YOU!! So if you are reading this, YOU ARE OFFICIALLY TAGGED BY ME!!! Especially my Mrs Exclusive! =)


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