Friday, February 22, 2008

Annoying Posts by Bloggers

Hello to whatever is left of my readers,

I am here to update. Hopefully more frequent.

I am also here to complain.

People who blog with lots of dots such as "see... the other day i was... yknow... yeah... haha!" annoy the hell out of me. People who call everyone peps annoy me. People who spell with wif as who are clearly 20+ years old can make my brain explode (No! You don't sound cute!). Seriously, do none of you go to school? Cousin is not spelt with c u z n. Paragraphs are not filled with a million continuous dots. And peps just sounds so bloody retarded.

But you know what annoys me the most? A blogger trying to describe something but is not making sense at all with his or her words plus using all of the above garbage. These people need to go back to school and learn proper English.


Nisa said...

Haha I can't agree more Syaf. I guess proofies (or ex-proofies) will always have a migraine from reading these deliberate spelling mistakes. Haha!

yas said...

you know, i dont even type that way through sms.. only when i really really really need to i'd type that way. so i agree, i find people who BLOG that way annoying. xxx